Redvision's VMS1000 IPX Analytics provides PPE face mask, goggles and helmet detection.

The Redvision VMS1000™ IPX Analytics uses Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning to recognise people, vehicles and objects and how they behave. The IPX 'Helmet and PPE' analytics can tell if a person is wearing a hard helmet, PPE mask and/or goggles.

IPX Analytics allow logical rules to be applied, so that an alarm is only raised when the exact combination of objects are seen, or not seen, together. For example, if a person is wearing, or not wearing, a helmet, PPE or goggles and breaching site regulations.

In the example below left, an alarm has been triggered (yellow box) to show a person is wearing a PPE mask and goggles, but no helmet. Below right, an alarm has been triggered when a person has removed their helmet in a zone where helmets are compulsory.

Typical applications include:

  • Verification that PPE is being worn on site.
  • Only allowing site access to people with a mask.
  • Raising an alarm if a construction worker is not wearing a helmet.

The Redvision VMS1000™ IPX Analytics also includes weapon detection and occupancy modules.

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